Guest house Domzherickoe ozero

Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Lepel district, Domzheritsy village, Central str., 3.

coordinates for GPS Navigator 54°44.566' N, 28°21.770' E

Today Saturday, 26.10.2024
 23:31 Minsk


Reservation Department

Guest house «Domzherickoe ozero» is located in the Vitebsk region within Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve . The clean mixed forest grows around, and the picturesque Domzheritskoe Lake is located nearby. Guests are accommodated in the house, where there is a need for a comfortable stay, including an equipped kitchen. This place is designed for a relaxing pastime: the quiet nature, the lake surface is great help to switch after the bustle of the city. To organize a picnic, there is a gazebo and a barbecue area.

On the shore of the lake you can sunbathe in the sun or swim, there is a boat at the disposal of guests. Fans of fishing will also be satisfied: this place is especially attractive for fishermen. Exceptional conditions for observing animal and plant diversity of forests and reservoirs have made this place popular among environmental scientists and naturalists.

Rooms and rates

  Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities     The price of the room / cottage a night

x7   for 7 people (guest house)

 conveniences on the territory /
26-October -  22-December-2024 5000
   Cost for room (house) for 7 people 5000 a day.
C  23-December-2024 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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Photos of rooms available for reference. Interior design, equipment and furniture arrangement is specified for standard rooms and may vary.

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